Meet the Secretariat

On behalf of the Secretariat it is our honour and privilege to cordially invite you to participate in the 18th annual Costeas-Geitonas School Model United Nations conference, to be hosted in the city of Athens from 12th-14th April with the theme of “Balancing on Global Ropes: Towards World Stability”.

We are currently situated in a world of global turmoil and great uncertainty, with immense challenges looming ahead. Problems ranging from active conflict to financial instability to rapid climate change are all at the forefront of global conversation, but that alone is not enough. It is now more crucial than ever for us to preserve unity over division, and focus on working towards achieving true stability. The interdependence of political and financial institutions worldwide has shifted the balance of power away from traditional models of centralised power and moves increasingly closer towards multipolarity. This drastic change has brought about unforeseen consequences, transforming the way that international fora operate. It is on this basis that ambiguity has formed around the role that these organisations embody. Millions of lives are at stake, pressuring world leaders to collaborate and live up to their promises of serving the people and justice. Compromises and good faith, key cornerstones of diplomacy, are facing their greatest crisis yet in such trying times.

The path towards stability is not easy; it is filled with obstacles that undermine human ideals and set back the progress of humanity. The very idea of interdependence requires all parties to be willing to work together under this principle. A nation alone today is more alone than at any other point of human history. And an organisation with members wishing to be alone is not an organisation.

However, not all hope has been lost. Intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations remain dedicated in their quest towards peace and world stability. The fundamental values of our institutions continue to be a beacon to strive for. By adapting to the new geopolitical landscape, globally, we are fostering a new climate of cooperation and moving our society into a new era. Even during crises, people have shown the greatest resilience and willingness to seek solutions beyond the constraints of the present, to find the possibility of a better future. Hope is never truly lost in the hands of the people. Every single one of us as individuals in the society, as global citizens, have this unique responsibility of keeping this hope for stability alive.

CGSMUN is now in its 18th session, and has adapted to meet the aforementioned global challenges. The conference’s theme, “Towards World Stability”, focuses on the necessity of a common effort to tackle the issues that affect all Nations and leads to different forms of instability. Having been translated into a vast array of topics into the different committees, it now encompasses different issues from differing perspectives, and provides delegates with the opportunity to explore new approaches to existing problems. Moreover, CGSMUN allows students to practise transferable skills, such as negotiation, critical thinking, and collaboration skills that are ever disappearing in these times, yet ever so important for the maintenance of stability on all levels of society. This conference aims to make all participants realise their role as global citizens, alongside their shared responsibility for our future. Today, in order to act, we need to act together.

On behalf of the entire CGSMUN team, we welcome you and look forward to seeing you in April!


The Secretary General,
Dimitris Fragkos
The President of the General Assembly,
Kai Yuet Zhang

My name is Dimitrios Fragkos, and I am a 10th Grade student at Costeas-Geitonas School. This year, it is my utmost honour and pleasure to serve as the Secretary General of the 18th Session of CGSMUN.

My experience with the world of MUN started two years ago, and since then, it has become a passion of mine. Having attended multiple conferences based in Greece, Canada, India, Korea, and the Netherlands, I have gained valuable knowledge and acquired essential skills. I have also gotten the chance to interact with people from all over the world, develop my identity as a global citizen, and create new friendships.

The people that I have met have guided me and have shaped me into who I am today. I couldn't be any more grateful for the opportunities that I have been given and for those that are yet to come.

Throughout my journey, I have come to realise that MUN is not just an extracurricular activity. It is a forum of inspiration for the youth and a synod of students driven by their desire to become citizens of the world. It provides an insight into the field of international geopolitics and diplomacy and gives students the opportunity to collaborate with people from all backgrounds. It preaches teamwork and collaboration, but most importantly inclusivity and equality.

Above all though, MUN is a community. A community of individuals who - regardless of their differences - are united under a common principle: collaboration.

I wholeheartedly hope that this conference will embrace the above qualities and will prove to be a valuable experience for all involved. I eagerly await seeing you all in April.


My name is Kalliopi Vareli, and I am currently an IB1 student at Costeas-Geitonas School. It is my utmost honor and pleasure to serve as one of the Deputy Secretary Generals in the 18th session of CGSMUN.

Having been part of MUN since 2020, I have had the chance to discover the very essence of MUN, I have felt the sense of community and have gained incredible experiences and knowledge, and valuable friendships. Starting from a timid Youth Assembly participant to now being a Secretariat member I have understood that MUN is not just a forum for young people to discover politics, public speaking, and the inner workings of the most influential intergovernmental organization in today's world, but a community in itself. Having said that, it is my absolute goal as a secretariat member is to provide an impactful, enjoyable, and fruitful experience to all delegates and Student Officers involved.

I am looking forward to working with everyone involved to achieve an incredible session of CGSMUN, a long-standing institution that has changed my, and many other people's lives.

See you all in April!


My name is Dimitris Hargitt, an MYP5 student at CGS. I will be having the honor of serving as a Deputy Secretary General for the 18th session of the CGS MUN Conference.

My goal is to make the conference the best it can be for everyone participating, in order to play my part in MUN being the inviting community that I and so many others have found and made part of their lives.

My first conference was in CGSMUN 2021, which, even though it was online, enchanted me, and I’m excited to be able to give back to the conference that brought me into the wonderful world of MUN.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the conference!


My name is Kai Yuet Zhang and I am a 10th grade student from the American Community Schools of Athens. This year, I will have the utmost honor of serving as the President of the General Assembly in the 18th session of CGSMUN.

MUN has always held a special place in my heart. Not only does it allow you to gain exposure to various issues and the intricacies of foreign policy, but it also creates a unique space for young people who have the hope to make tomorrow better. Through MUN, you learn how to stand your ground and make your point, but more importantly, to work with perspectives different than your own. In these trying times, such opportunities for clarity and unity over division are crucial.

Personally speaking, this year's CGSMUN is also a full-circle moment for me, as it was the first ever MUN conference I have attended. I am very excited to be back, and I hope this conference will be an impactful experience for us all.

I will see you all in April!


My name is Alex Panaretos and I am an IB 1 Student in the International School of Athens. It is my utmost honor to serve as the deputy president of the plenary session of the GA, alongside my secretariat position. I learned about MUN through my best friend Ioanna, after she attended CGSMUN 2020 and after a bit of persuasion I decided to join my schools Mun club, thus I’d like to personally thank her alongside my parents for supporting me in every step of my MUN career.

Long story short it all started in December of 2021, however I truly fell in love with MUN next year, during CGSMUN2022, my first in person conference, when I realized I wanted to become a diplomat.

For me MUN is not just a hobby but a way of living. Lastly, I aspire to make CGSMUN 2024 a conference where the delegates will fall in love with MUN, like myself. With that being said, I can’t wait to meet you all in April.


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19th CGS MUN Newspaper

20th CGS MUN
Secretariat Applications open from Jan 13th to Febr 2nd
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