Secretariat Secretary General: Bill Michalis (CGS) Deputy Secretary General: Hara Chouliara (CGS) Deputy Secretary General: Dimitrios Grigoriou (Deutsche Schule Athen) Deputy Secretary General: Claire Oberle (American School of The Hague) President of the General Assembly: Maria Despoina Patouna (CGS) General Assembly 1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security) Chair:...
Archive for month: May, 2019
Thursday, 5 December, 2019 15:30-18:30 Student Officers’ workshop (mandatory for all Student Officers) Friday 6 December, 2019 07:45-09:00 Registration 08:30-09:00 Student Officers’ briefing 09:00-10:30 All Committees and Forums in session (Lobbying) 10:00-10:30 Advisors’ Meeting 10:30-11:00 Seating (General Assembly Hall) 11:00-12:30 Opening Ceremony 12:30-14:00 Student Ambassadors’ Opening Speeches (General...
Country list
1. Afghanistan (HRC) 2. Albania 3. Algeria 4. Andorra (ECOSOC) 5. Angola (ECOSOC, HRC) 6. Argentina (HRC) 7. Armenia (ECOSOC) 8. Australia (HRC, HSC) 9. Austria (HRC) 10. Azerbaijan (ECOSOC) 11. Bahamas (HRC) 12. Bahrain (HRC) 13. Bangladesh (HRC) 14. Belarus (ECOSOC) 15. Belgium (SC, HSC) 16. Benin (ECOSOC)...