Archive for month: March, 2017


Thursday 7 December, 2017 15:30-18:30 Student Officers’ workshop (mandatory for all Student Officers)   Friday 8 December, 2017 07:45-09:00 Registration 08:30-09:00 Student Officers’ briefing 09:00-10:30 All Committees and Forums in session (Lobbying) 10:00-10:30 Advisors’ Meeting 10:30-11:00 Seating (General Assembly Hall) 11:00-12:30 Opening Ceremony 12:30-14:00 Student Ambassadors’ Opening Speeches (General...

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Country list

12th CGSMUN Country List 1. Afghanistan (ECOSOC) 2. Albania (HRC) 3. Algeria (ECOSOC) 4. Andorra (ECOSOC) 5. Angola 6. Argentina (ECOSOC) 7. Armenia 8. Australia (ECOSOC) 9. Austria 10. Azerbaijan (ECOSOC) 11. Bahamas 12. Bahrain 13. Bangladesh (HRC) 14. Belarus 15. Belgium (ECOSOC, HRC) 16. Benin (ECOSOC) 17. Bolivia...

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General Assembly 1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security) 1. Foreign military intervention in intrastate conflicts 2. Addressing the Risks of Cyber Terrorism, Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats in international peace and security 3. Prevention of an arms race in outer space 2nd Committee (Economic and Financial) 1. Addressing...

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12th Conference

Esteemed MUN directors, honorable delegates and future participants,   On behalf of the CGS MUN Secretariat, we cordially invite you to participate in the 12th CGS Model United Nations Conference on December 8-10, 2017 in Athens. The Secretariat reflected on many pressing issues the world faces today ranging from...

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19th CGS MUN Newspaper

20th CGS MUN

“Knowledge and Understanding: Challenging what -we think-we know”

12th-14th December 2025


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