16th Keynote Speaker

Dr. Constantinos Filis

Dr. Constantinos Filis is currently the Director at the Institute of Global Affairs, Associate Professor at the American College of Greece, President of the Foundation for Thracean Art and Tradition and member of the Hellenic Olympic Committee.

He is a Member of the Advisory Committee at the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University. Additionally, he is employed as a commentator by the Ant1 Group.

Elected in November 2007, Dr. Filis served for two years as Senior Associate Member at St Antony's College, Oxford University and as Research Fellow at South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX), Oxford University. He is the Former Executive Director and Director of Research at the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University.

He lectures at the Hellenic Naval Staff and Command College, at the Hellenic National Defense College and at the Police Academy.

He is currently member of: the BoD of Piraeus Asset Management, the Greek-Turkish Forum, The Institute of Energy for South-East Europe, and the board of the Delphi Economic Forum. He is also Director of the International Olympic Truce Centre, energy and geoeconomics advisor to the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association and Advisory Board member of DiaNEOsis Research and Policy Institute.

His most recent books/monographs are: “Assertive Patriotism”, “Greece in its neighbourhood”, “A Closer Look at Russia and its Influence in the World”, “Turkey, Islam, Erdogan”, and “Refugees, Europe, Insecurity”.


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19th CGS MUN Newspaper

20th CGS MUN

“Knowledge and Understanding: Challenging what -we think-we know”

12th-14th December 2025


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