14th Agenda

General Assembly

1st Committee (Disarmament and International Security)

  1. Towards unilateral cyber security measures against non-state actors
  2. The issue of terrorism by states and non-state actors in relation to energy issues
  3. Addressing the challenges of increased autonomy in weapon systems

2nd Committee (Economic and Financial)

  1. Financing alternatives in the new Digital Era
  2. External debt sustainability and development
  3. Establishing the framework to support the development of green economy

3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)

  1. Net neutrality as a means of ensuring social equality
  2. Art digitalization as a means of preserving cultural heritage and cultural diversity
  3. Humanitarian response to urban crises in light of the New Urban Agenda

4th Committee (Special Political and Decolonization)

  1. The development of cyber peacekeeping
  2. Addressing the rise of the alt-right movement
  3. The situation in Western Sahara

6th Committee (Legal)

  1. Establishing a stronger international legal framework on cyberwarfare
  2. Criminal accountability of UN officials and experts on mission
  3. The question of digital data use in criminal investigations

Security Council (SC)

  1. The issue of cyberterrorism
  2. The situation in Ukraine
  3. The issue of the FARC Dissident Groups in Colombia’s Pacific Coast

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

  1. Improving SMEs competitiveness and entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0 for productivity and inclusive growth and development
  2. Addressing the environmental impact of corporate social responsibility
  3. The provision of international aid towards Argentina’s economic recovery
  4. Social impact of selective medical treatment

Human Rights Council (HRC)

  1. The use of digital technologies for the promotion of inclusive practices in education
  2. The issue of female foeticide and girl infanticide
  3. Ensuring government assistance to victims of acid violence
  4. The violation of the rights of Uyghur people

Environment Commission (EC)

Sub-commission 1

  1. The environmental consequences of industrial cyber attacks
  2. The role of the Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction in sustainable development
  3. Environmental consequences of producing weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Sub-commission 2

  1. Addressing the e-waste challenge through an interdisciplinary approach
  2. Addressing the challenges of mountainous biodiversity
  3. Single-use plastics as a roadmap for sustainability

Special Conference on Cyber Governance:

Towards e-democracy

  1. State response in addressing new challenges in cyber conflicts
  2. Achieving intergovernmental open access data sharing
  3. The rise of digital authoritarianism
  4. E-Democracy: Citizens’ participation in the digital age

Youth Assembly

  1. Action paper on net addiction
  2. Action paper on online recruitment of young people by terrorist groups

Historical Security Council: Year 1956 (HSC)

  1. The situation in Hungary (04/11/1956)
  2. The Palestine Question: Steps for the immediate cessation of the military action of Israel in Egypt (30/10/1956: Suez Crisis)
  3. The issue of Cuba (02/12/1956)

International Court of Justice

  1. Relocation of the United States Embassy to Jerusalem (Palestine v. United States of America)


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“Knowledge and Understanding: Challenging what -we think-we know”

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